Wednesday 31 July 2013

A friend was given a photo of a real fairy door i made, she then made a digital stamp from this and here it is..i really like it! now to make cards, and lots of other craft projects.
Today there is a new sculpture in the shop this is Acorn the woodland elf, he looks after the hedgehogs and mice of the woodland floor. I found him playing in my friends window box the cheeky monkey.

Monday 29 July 2013

There have been many more additions to The yellow pixie, im now selling wonderful driftwood art, and have lots of local artists to, including, Hannah Royce card maker, Julia Sansum crocheter, Debbie pack, Knitter, Sandra Royce painter. And of course my crazy sculptures which need to be seen !
Wow ! great news! i now have a little studio, its a place where i can make my many creations as part of Brambleberrycreations its called The Little Yellow Pixie and is based at Blake house craft centre, braintree essex cm776sh.